Welcome onboard Nihal!
We’re very pleased to introduce the newest member of our team, Nihal Gupta, who joins our Communications and Marketing team in Berlin. Nihal will help drive our communications strategy to bring a spotlight onto Future Energy Ventures and our portfolio of world-class startups, as well as to support our mission to accelerate the global energy transition to net-zero carbon emissions and a digitally interconnected system.
Originally from India, Nihal is a master’s student at HTW Berlin and is passionate about learning from everyone and everywhere. He enjoys coming up with creative solutions for a better and sustainable tomorrow by uniting the ideals of marketing with innovation and technologies.
“I believe we owe it to the environment and future generations, to take care of our planet and Future Energy Ventures is a platform that helps me be a part of the change that I wish to see in the world. It’s my aim to transform ’sustainability‘ from buzzword into action.”
A very warm welcome aboard Nihal and we couldn’t agree more!